An aerospace engineer and physics enthusiast with a passion for developing, optimizing, and integrating complex systems. I specialize in space engineering, focusing on plasma dynamics, space weather impacts on spacecraft systems, and the development of GNC and RF/Microwave technologies.
Beyond space applications, my interest extends to electromagnetic phenomena across multiple domains—exploring their potential in developing waveguides for high-frequency communications, metamaterial-based sensors, and plasma diagnostics. I am also intrigued by spin systems, particularly their applications in energy-efficient computing and next-generation wireless networks.
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Design and validation of a half-width microstrip leaky-wave antenna at 5 GHz, assessing radiation performance and impedance matching. Measurement and analysis of directivity, beamwidth, and bandwidth characteristics.
Design and validation of a half-width microstrip leaky-wave antenna at 5 GHz, assessing radiation performance and impedance matching. Measurement and analysis of directivity, beamwidth, and bandwidth characteristics.